Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Why study Astronomy?

The study of the stars and the sky has been going on for quite a long time. New inventions have allowed us to understand the cycles of the sun, earth, moon, stars, planets, and galaxies. All of these aspects affect our lives in many ways. For example the sun, it provides our energy to live, and the radiation powers our atmosphere and weather. The solar flares on the sun can cause communication difficulties on earth. The Earth's spin gives us day and night, while its axial tilt gives us the seasons. One revolution of the earth provides our annual calendar. We have also learned much information about the moon. The moon has different stages including the new moon, 1st quarter, full moon, 3rd quarter,gibbous moon, waxing crescents and waning crescents. The moon and the sun cause the tides on earth.

Why seperate science and religion?

We separate science and religion for several reasons. Science is the systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. Examples of topics studied by scientists include evolution,climate change, global warming, and big bang theory. These topics are based on data and can be backed up by evidence. Religion on the other hand, is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Examples of topics studied by religious believers include creationism, ESP, and the Bible. These things cannot be backed up by data or evidence.
Sometimes, science and religion overlap. One example of this is horoscopes. Horoscopes use positions of stars in the sky to interpret life order. These beliefs have been passed down from ancestors, but cannot be backed with hard evidence. Another example of an overlap is astrology. Astrology uses stars to interpret YOUR life and it's meaning. A third example of the overlap is tarotcards. These cards supposedly "tell your future".

What will you remember?
There are many things I have learned about this class that I plan to remember for a very long time.

* The stars have been studied for a LONG time, starting with Aristotle who was born in 384 B.C.. Other famous astronomers have brought much knowledge to the field of astronomy. These include Galileo Galilei, Kepler, Isaac Newton, Annie CAnnon, Eswin Hubble and Albert Einstein.
*Galaxies look like spheres in the sky and include millions of stars.

Friday, February 19, 2010


a) What is a neutrino?
An electrically neutral elementary particle that is one of the products of nuclear fusion reactions. Neutrinos have little or no mass, move at close to the speed of light, and interact very weakly with matter.

b) Why are neutrinos so important to understanding the sun?
Neutrinos can go through unimaginable amounts of material without being affected. There is less than a percent chance that anything would ever happen to them as they passed through the sun, certainly through the Earth. We can calculate for the neutrinos of all types that start in the interior of the sun, and we want to know what the total number of neutrinos reaching the Earth. Neutrinos also show the nuclear fusion from the sun.

c) Would you be able to persist for as long as Bahcall and Davis did when people doubted your experiment?
No, I don't think I could have been as persist for as long as Bahcall and Davis. For three decades people had been pointing at this guy and saying this is the guy who wrongly calculated the flux of neutrinos from the sun.

d) What is the importance of neutrinos having mass?
Billions of neutrinos pass through Earth each second, but since they are particles with no electric charge and have very little mass, they only interact weakly with other kinds of matter and are difficult to detect.

e) Where are neutrinos being studied today?
South Dakota, Canada, Japan

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The rumor about the world ending in 2012 has been going around for awhile now, and there has been much controversy about the topic. There are many reasons why the earth will NOT end in 2012. I am going to tell you about the pathetic and mindless ideas of why people think we are all going to die in 2012. The calendars of the ancient people, the idea of polar reversal, and the "danger" of solar storms are just a few of the reasons why people think the world is going to end in 2012.

Many of the beliefs come from the calendars of the ancient people. These calendars include the Mayla, Tzolk'in, and Habb. The Mayla calendar last renewed itself approximately 5,125 years ago and is set to end again supposedly with catastrophe consequences in 2012. The Tzolk'in Calendar is used primarily in crop rotation, this calendar allows one 260-day period to ready the land and one 260-day period to grow and harvest the corn. It was also considered a sacred calendar by the Mayans and determined when their rituals occurred. The Tzolk'in uses 20 days signs coupled with 13 number signs to produce the 260 uniquely identified days. The Haab Calendar lasts 360 days and breaks down into 18 20-day months, with a five-day waiting period at the end that was considered. The Calendar Round gave the Mayans a way to record history in longer increments. By combining the Tzolk'in and Haab calendars, they had 18,980 uniquely designated days, or in other words, 52 years. "Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar." (Source 3). Although the calendars are different, they leave no reason for us to believe that the world will end in 2012.

A second common belief is polar reversal. This is when the pole changes directions and makes a 180 degree turn and the poles will switch. "First, a polar reversal will cause the north to become the south and the sun to rise in the west. Shattering earthquakes, massive tidal waves and simultaneous volcanic eruptions will follow. Nuclear reactors will melt, buildings will crumble, and a cloud of volcanic dust will block out the sun for 40 years." (Source 1). This is highly unlikely according to NASA. "A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents." (Source 3). Many disaster websites show a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. "As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. A magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia, anyway. (Source 3). From this information, it is highly unlikely that the world will in because of polar reversal in 2012.

The third common misconception about 2012 is the danger of solar storms predicted for 2012. "Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history." (Source 3). Some others believe that earth is slated for another ice age which will kill all living things. Dangerous storms are unlikely to hit earth in 2012 causing the world to end.

Who can we actually depend on for the answer to this question? Will the world end in 2012? The scientists have the true answers as to how and when the world will end."According to astronomers, billions of years from now, the sun will become a red giant, expanding to a size larger than the Earth's orbit and consuming Earth in the process. Even if the planet somehow survives, the sun will eventually shrink, becoming a white dwarf and gradually cooling off until it can no longer warm anything in the solar system." (Source 2). "Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012...There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012" (Source 3).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Constellation Project

Constellation: Orion

B) Names of stars and their positions:
*Beltelgeuse (Alpha Ori)
*Alnitak (Zeta Ori)
*Nair al Saif (Iota Ori)
*Meissa (Lambda Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 2 Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 1 Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 3 Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 4 Ori)
*Thabit (Upsilon Ori)
*Salph (Kappa Ori)
*Alnilam (Epsilon Ori)
*Mintaka (Delta Ori)
*Rigel (Beta Ori)
C) History of constellation: Orion was son of Poseidom, God of the Sea, and Gea, the mother earth. Orion went to the island of Quios, where soon after, he fell in love with Merope, the daughter of king Enopion. Orion soon requester marriage. Enopion allowed it, but previously demanded the giant that demonstrated to its value to carry out a difficult mission. Orion would have to exterminate a great number of harmful animals that were inflict casualties enormous in the harvests of the island. Once Orion had exterminated all the noxious animals, the monarch refused to fulfill the fiance.
D) Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: No
*San Diego: No
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: No
E) Best seen in Iowa: January
F) Right Ascension: 5 hours
Declination: 5 Degrees

Constellation: Ursa Major

B) Names of stars and their positions:
*Dubhe (Alpha UMa)
*Phad (Gamma UMa)
*Alioth (Epsion UMa)
*Tanica Borealis (Lambda UMa)
*Muscida (Omicron UMa)
*Muscida (Pi 2 UMa)
*Merak (Beta UMa)
*Megrez (Delta UMa)
*Mizar ( Zeta UMa)
*Talitha (Iota UMa)
*Tania Australis (UMa)
*Muscida (Pi 1 UMa)
*Alcor (80 UMa)
C) History of constellation: Ursa Major was called Bear MAyor or Ursa Major and it represented the silhouette of a wild boar and hipopotamo for other civilizations.The great God says to Greek mythology that Zeus encapricho with the Callisto nymph of the goddess Morning call, of which Zeus disguised itself to approach the nymph until being able to make the love with her. As Callisto were pregnant and Morning call realized the occurred thing when it took a bath with all his nymphs, separated it from himself. Hera, the wife of Zeus listened that Callisto had parido to its Arkas son, reason why an attack of jealousy, turned it a bear.
D) Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: Yes
*San Diego: Yes
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: Yes
E) Best seen in Iowa: April
F) Right Ascension: 11 hours
Declination: 50 Degrees

Constellation: Ursa Minor

B)Names of stars and their positions:
*Polaris (Alpha Umi)
*Kocab (Beta UMi)
*Pherkad (Gamma UMi)
*Yildun (Delta UMi)
*Pherkad Minor (11 UMi)
C)History of constellation:Ursa minor means "Small bear" in latin. In ancient times, Ursa Minor was named the Dragon's wing, and was considered part of Draco. The dragon's wind as an asterism is now long forgotten.
D)Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: Yes
*San Diego: Yes
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: No
E) Best seen in Iowa: June
F) Right Ascension: 15 Hours
Declination: 70 Degrees

Constellation: Cepheus

B)Names of stars and their positions:
C)History of constellation: Cepheus was fing of the Cefenos, a town that usually is located in Ethiopia. He was husband of Casiopea and father of Andromendo. To their death, as much Cefeo as their wifr was transformed by poridon in constellations. The throne of Cefeo happened to hands of Perses, the son of Perseo and Andromeda.
D)Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: Yes
*San Diego: Yes
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: No
E) Best seen in Iowa: October
F) Right Ascention: 22 Hours
Declination: 70 Degrees

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Moon assignment

Hypothesis: I believe the moon formed together (but independently of) the earth, I consider this to be true because there are several compositional similarities between the Earth and Moon, particularly the identical fraction of the major isotopes of oxygen.

During the different seasons, we receive variations of heat from the sun. The earth’s axis is tilted by about 23 degrees and continues to point in the same direction throughout the year. In June, the northern hemisphere “leans into” the sun and is more directly illuminated. In December, the situation is reversed. The southern hemisphere leans into the sun and the northern hemisphere leans away.

The motion of the earth and sun are important to Christians because it changed their calendar. Gregorian dropped out ten days to bring the vernal equinox back to march 21st. He also changed the rule for leap year, making the average length of the year more closely approximate the tropical year. He made the average length of year 365.2425 mean solar days. This allows Christian celebrations to occur the same day every year.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week 1

What influences astronomy?
*Science vs Pseudoscience
Science is proven
Pseudoscience sounds "scientific, but fails to use method
-Dusty part in the sky is the milkyway
*Types of stars
-Binary star - two to six stars rotating around in a circle
-Double star - creates an optical illusion that the stars are closer than they actually are
-Hottest stars are blue and the coldest stars are red
*Constellations are arbitrary groupings and a set of 88 patterns
*Circumpolar Constellations are visible all year in the north sky
-Ursa Major has 6 stars (also called big dipper)
-Ursa Minor has 7 stars (also called little dipper)
-Draco (goes between ursa major and ursa minor)
-Cassiopeia (shaped like a "w")
-Cepheus (house/milk carton shaped)
-Pegasis has 7 stars
-There are approx. 667 stars in the sky
*Astrological "Houses" make up horoscopes
-horoscopes use positions of stars to interpret your life order
-astrology uses stars to interpret your life