Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Constellation Project

Constellation: Orion

B) Names of stars and their positions:
*Beltelgeuse (Alpha Ori)
*Alnitak (Zeta Ori)
*Nair al Saif (Iota Ori)
*Meissa (Lambda Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 2 Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 1 Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 3 Ori)
*Tabit (Pi 4 Ori)
*Thabit (Upsilon Ori)
*Salph (Kappa Ori)
*Alnilam (Epsilon Ori)
*Mintaka (Delta Ori)
*Rigel (Beta Ori)
C) History of constellation: Orion was son of Poseidom, God of the Sea, and Gea, the mother earth. Orion went to the island of Quios, where soon after, he fell in love with Merope, the daughter of king Enopion. Orion soon requester marriage. Enopion allowed it, but previously demanded the giant that demonstrated to its value to carry out a difficult mission. Orion would have to exterminate a great number of harmful animals that were inflict casualties enormous in the harvests of the island. Once Orion had exterminated all the noxious animals, the monarch refused to fulfill the fiance.
D) Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: No
*San Diego: No
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: No
E) Best seen in Iowa: January
F) Right Ascension: 5 hours
Declination: 5 Degrees

Constellation: Ursa Major

B) Names of stars and their positions:
*Dubhe (Alpha UMa)
*Phad (Gamma UMa)
*Alioth (Epsion UMa)
*Tanica Borealis (Lambda UMa)
*Muscida (Omicron UMa)
*Muscida (Pi 2 UMa)
*Merak (Beta UMa)
*Megrez (Delta UMa)
*Mizar ( Zeta UMa)
*Talitha (Iota UMa)
*Tania Australis (UMa)
*Muscida (Pi 1 UMa)
*Alcor (80 UMa)
C) History of constellation: Ursa Major was called Bear MAyor or Ursa Major and it represented the silhouette of a wild boar and hipopotamo for other civilizations.The great God says to Greek mythology that Zeus encapricho with the Callisto nymph of the goddess Morning call, of which Zeus disguised itself to approach the nymph until being able to make the love with her. As Callisto were pregnant and Morning call realized the occurred thing when it took a bath with all his nymphs, separated it from himself. Hera, the wife of Zeus listened that Callisto had parido to its Arkas son, reason why an attack of jealousy, turned it a bear.
D) Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: Yes
*San Diego: Yes
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: Yes
E) Best seen in Iowa: April
F) Right Ascension: 11 hours
Declination: 50 Degrees

Constellation: Ursa Minor

B)Names of stars and their positions:
*Polaris (Alpha Umi)
*Kocab (Beta UMi)
*Pherkad (Gamma UMi)
*Yildun (Delta UMi)
*Pherkad Minor (11 UMi)
C)History of constellation:Ursa minor means "Small bear" in latin. In ancient times, Ursa Minor was named the Dragon's wing, and was considered part of Draco. The dragon's wind as an asterism is now long forgotten.
D)Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: Yes
*San Diego: Yes
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: No
E) Best seen in Iowa: June
F) Right Ascension: 15 Hours
Declination: 70 Degrees

Constellation: Cepheus

B)Names of stars and their positions:
C)History of constellation: Cepheus was fing of the Cefenos, a town that usually is located in Ethiopia. He was husband of Casiopea and father of Andromendo. To their death, as much Cefeo as their wifr was transformed by poridon in constellations. The throne of Cefeo happened to hands of Perses, the son of Perseo and Andromeda.
D)Currently see constellation in...
*Chicago: Yes
*San Diego: Yes
*Rome: Yes
*Jerusalem: Yes
*Sydney: No
E) Best seen in Iowa: October
F) Right Ascention: 22 Hours
Declination: 70 Degrees

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